B2CLine …

… and B2CLine Plus – the fast and customer-friendly pallet shipment to online buyers

With B2CLine and B2CLine Plus, we offer online store operators and their customers outstanding service for shipping general cargo anywhere in Germany – providing solid reasons for optimum ratings. Advantages include early notification of the delivery date by SMS, voice call and/or email as well as further booking options for evening delivery, drop-off at the recipient’s address, and delivery to the customer’s home. Our services involve a minimal investment of time and resources by webshop operators but offer significant improvements in customer satisfaction and better prospects for top ratings. The more so as shipment notification is possible in selected European countries.

B2CLine Logo

Overview of benefits for webshop operators and their customers:

  • Early notification of the delivery date to the customer by SMS, voice call and/or email and the possibility to choose that the shipment be dropped off at the recipient’s address. This increases the success rate of first-time deliveries and reduces the risk of returns.
  • If the notification tool is integrated into the webshop, the customer can select a convenient delivery date and other services during the ordering process itself. The notification tool is compatible with all webshop systems, forms of data transmission, programming software, and interfaces.
  • Deliveries are fast – subject to certain conditions even on the day after purchase.
  • For the sender, it is also possible to arrange for the drop-off of a shipment. That way a delivery reaches its recipient on the first attempt even if they are not at home.
  • B2CLine Plus offers not only notification but also delivery of the goods to the place of use and removal of the pallet.
  • Delivery on the following work day, optional by 8 or 10 o’clock or noon (B2CLine only)
  • Real-time track & trace ensures a high level of transparency

For more information please consult the table below.

BTW: We now also offer shipment notifications to end consumers in many European countries. Click here for more detail.

Product Overview

CargoLine Zustellung an Endkunden B2CLineZustellung an Endkunden direkt an der Verwendungsstelle mit CargoLine B2CLine Plsu
Product overview*B2CLineB2CLine PlusB2CLine Europe
Save time: B2CLine offers your customers early notice of the delivery date via SMS, voice call, or email, delivery to the kerbside, and the option to issue a drop-off permit.With B2CLine Plus, we not only notify your customer of a consignment, we even take it right to their living quarters or cellar and take the pallet with us when we leave.Do you need to ship goods across borders? With B2CLine Europe we also notify your customers in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland of their order’s arrival date and time slot.
Notification offering various time slotsServiceleistungServiceleistungServiceleistung
Drop-off permitServiceleistung
Delivery on the next working day (NightLine NextDay) or on the next working day by 8, 10 or 12 a.m. (NightLinePlus 8, 10 or 12)Serviceleistung
Delivery of the goods to the place of useServiceleistung
Pallet exchangeServiceleistung
*The consignor or principal determines the scope of services at the final consignee’s premises

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NightLine NextDay

Delivery on the next working day after collection


Procurement logistics across Europe, with SeaLine even across continents


Delivery free at place of use instead of free curbside


Delivery across Germany by 8 a.m., 10 a.m. or noon


Regular delivery time of 24 to 48 hours anywhere in Germany


Frost protection from collection to delivery


Delivery on the precisely specified day