aerospace contract logistics


A cancelled plane or having to wait for hours for a spare part makes travelers nervous and can seriously damage an airline’s reputation and balance sheet. With our help, you can be an even more reliable supplier for the aerospace industry.

Our contract logistics services for the aerospace industry in detail:

  • JIT and JIS delivery to customer sidings
  • 24/7 availability
  • Management of parts lists and components
  • Technical inspection of incoming goods
  • Storage of tools, equipment, spare parts, and electronic components
  • Customized heavy load and cantilever storage racks
  • Personnel access control system
  • Quality management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9120

Other contract logistics services you may be interested in:

Kontraktlogistik für die Automobilindustrie


Kontraktlogistik für die Lebensmittelindustrie



Kontraktlogistik für Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik

Engineering and Electrotechnology

Kontraktlogistik für die Healthcare- und Pharmaindustrie

Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

Chemicals / Hazardous materials

Gebrauchsgueter Kontraktlogistik

Consumer goods
